Povoden Museum, Ptuj

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Povodnov muzej, Ptuj
Slovenski trg, SI-2250 Ptuj
Phone386 (0) 2 787 9230

The collection of the Povoden Museum in Ptuj was founded in 1830 by Simon Povoden (1753–1841), a Ptuj-based historiographer who determined that collected classical stone memorials should be built into the inner walls of the municipal tower. Povoden Museum is a branch museum of the Ptuj – Ormož Regional Museum.

The square Slovenski trg in the centre of Ptuj is the scene of an open air lapidary collection, the oldest in Slovenia. The collection consists of pieces of civil and military tombstones, urns, sacrificial altars, relief votive slabs and ashlars. The northern wall of the tower contains, among others, the military tombstone of Gaius Rufius, a soldier of the Legio XIII Gemina, and that of Gaius Cornelius Verus, a veteran of the Legio II Adiutrix. Six memorials were built into the southern wall of the tower. Among them are a sacrificial altar, dedicated to Jupiter and decorated at the top with a Norican-Pannonian volute, and the tombstone of Marcus Ulpius Cutius and his family. The lapidary features also the Orpheus Monument, the largest tombstone ever found in the Roman province of Upper Pannonia.

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Povodnov muzej, Ptuj +
Povodnov muzej, Ptuj +
SI-2250 Ptuj +
Slovenski trg +
The collection of the Povoden MuseumThe collection of the Povoden Museum in Ptuj was founded in 1830 by Simon Povoden (1753–1841), a Ptuj-based historiographer who determined that collected classical stone memorials should be built into the inner walls of the municipal tower.to the inner walls of the municipal tower. +
The collection of the Povoden Museum in Ptuj was founded in 1830 by Simon Povoden (1753–1841), a Ptuj-based historiographer who determined that collected classical stone memorials should be built into the inner walls of the municipal tower. +
+386 / 2 787 9230 +
SI-2250 +
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